Monday, September 12, 2016

Good Intentions

As  I am visiting with a friend I hear the water running outside
I yell out the screen door. "KJ turn off that water!" "Okay mom!" He replies and I hear the faucet is being shut off. A few minutes later I hear the water running again.
"Yes mommy?"
"Is that water back on?"
"Yes." He sighs knowing he is in big trouble.
"Come inside and go get in the bed until I come talk to you."
"I was just trying to water the grass," he mumbles as he comes in and goes to his room.

I turn to my friend an explain to her KJ's position.

"I was just trying to water the grass, after all in the heat of summer the grass is now in patches in the backyard. The grass needed water. What was the big deal? I was being helpful. I was doing what needed to be done. I took initiative and now I am being punished for it. I don't understand."

As I went on and on she stopped me and said, "Okay, okay I get it."

See this is how we are when it comes to things that God tells us not to do. We hear it all the time, "the road to hell is paved with good intentions." In fact that is one of my favorite quotes. The problem wasn't that he was watering the grass. He was being disobedient. He thought he could see and understand things I couldn't. He was mistaken. Isn't this how we are with God. We see an opportunity and though God tells us to stop, wait, or move we decide on our own. We know He is older than us, wiser than us, stronger than us but we still want to do what we feel is right based on the information we have on hand. Isaiah 55:8-9

My sweet boy had forgotten that just a few days earlier as soon as the sprinklers were turned off a very large snake crossed the yard. He does not realize that our state is in a drought and he has absolutely no idea that the water he is frivolously using is a utility that needs to be paid for. In his mind he was doing the right thing.

It blesses me so much when God allows me to see myself in my children, because once I see myself in them I am better able to respond to them as close as I can to the way God responds to me.

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